Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Radiohead for Haiti gig - Jonny's pedalboard

Jonny's board

  • EHX Smallstone
  • Demeter The Tremulator
  • DOD 440
  • 3 Boss LS-2's
  • Digitech WH-1 Whammy
  • Akai Headrush E2
  • Marshall Shredmaster
  • Ernie Ball Volume Pedal
  • Boss Tuner (not a pedal)
  • Boss RE-20
  • Boss OD-3
"Here's the definitive explanation of his signal chain:

EHX Small Stone
Demeter Tremulator
Boss LS-2 (Acting as a bypass loop for the DOD 440)
Whammy I

At this point, he uses an LS-2 to split the signal into two paths. . .

Path 1:
Marshall Shredmaster
Ernie Ball VP Jr. (with dry out going to Boss tuner)
Fender 85 Solid-State combo

Path 2:
Boss OD-3
Boss RE-20
Vox AC30 tube combo

After all this is the Akai Headrush E2, which seems to be in the FX loop of the AC30. Done."
-DylanWilde (hcfx)

Radiohead for Haiti gig - Ed's Pedalboard

Thanks to Ponda Boba at the HCFX forums for these pics from the Radiohead for Haiti gig. Here's ed's board.

1. Peterson StroboStomp2 Tuner 

2.Below that is a Catalinbread Super Chili Picoso.

3.To the left of that is a Demeter Tremulator.

4. Next is an Analogman modded boss overdive.

5. Dunlop Crybaby

6. Line 6 DL4

7. Boss TR-2

8. Above the TR-2 is an EHX Deluxe Memory Man

9. To the right of the DMM is an EHX Hog.

10. Digitech Whammy

Sitting outside of the board is a boss delay (I can't say which one for certain.) A boss footswitch, a boss FV-500L, and I think an expression pedal controlling the HOG. I think those are Thom's pedals sitting near the AC30, but I can't say what they are for certain. One is a boss stompbox.